Daily Briefing Feb. 6: Israel offers to help Turkey after earthquake. Syria, too?
Political correspondent Tal Schneider discusses the response to the natural disaster, and to incitement against PM, senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur looks at absence of Israeli left
Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.
Political correspondent Tal Schneider and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.
Schneider discusses the devastating, deadly earthquake that struck northern Syria and southern Turkey, and Israel’s immediate offer of aid to Turkey.
She recalls the last time Israel helped Turkey following an earthquake in 1999, and Schneider and Rettig Gur discuss whether Syria would accept aid from Israel as well, as it has at times in the last decade during the civil war there when patients were even hospitalized in Israel.
Schneider also unpacks several comments recently made by several prominent Israelis threatening Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. She notes how those calls for incitement, which were quickly investigated by the police, appeared to draw out President Isaac Herzog to publicly urge a slowdown on the proposed judicial reform process.
Rettig Gur talks about the Israeli left and the seeming absence of the left-wing leadership from the weekly protests around the country as well as from Knesset and government committees, with a concurrent increase in violent talk from the left.
Discussed articles include:
Israel offers to dispatch emergency aid, teams to earthquake-stricken Turkey
President urges pause to judicial shakeup; Levin: I’m not stopping ‘for a minute’
Ex-pilot who bombed Iraq nuke reactor walks back comment justifying PM assassination
Probe opened into lawyer who said he’d take up arms if legal overhaul implemented
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