Daily Briefing Jan. 17: Day 469 – A look back at Biden on Israel: Patron or patronizer?

US bureau chief Jacob Magid takes stock of the fraught relationship between the outgoing US president and the Jewish state, from unprecedented aid packages to sanctions on settlers

  • Amanda Borschel-Dan
    Amanda Borschel-Dan

    Deputy Editor Amanda Borschel-Dan is the host of The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing and What Matters Now podcasts and heads up The Times of Israel’s Jewish World and Archaeology coverage.

  • Jacob Magid
    Jacob Magid

    Jacob Magid is The Times of Israel’s US bureau chief

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 20-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world.

US bureau chief Jacob Magid joins host Amanda Borschel-Dan for today’s episode, the weekly Friday Focus.

As US President Joe Biden prepares to leave office, we take a look at the relationship between the president and the Jewish state, starting with his famous meeting with prime minister Golda Meir in which he understood the importance of being a Zionist.

We hear how, after Biden’s initial embrace of Netanyahu and the Israeli people following the murderous Hamas onslaught on southern Israel, the complex relationship between the president and his shifting Democratic party may have colored some of his later statements and led to micro-managing the war in Gaza.

Magid postulates that the traditionally special relationship between the US and its ally has also led to sanctions on settler extremists in an attempt to course-correct the Jewish state.

For news updates, please check out The Times of Israel’s ongoing live blog.

You can view this conversation here:

Discussed articles include:

On a deadline: How Biden and Trump brokered hostage deal before ‘all hell’ broke loose

Biden: US-backed pressure on Iranian axis helped secure hostage deal, end of Gaza war

Subscribe to The Times of Israel Daily Briefing on Apple PodcastsSpotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. This episode was produced by the Pod-Waves.

Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode here:

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