Full text of President Trump’s remarks in meeting with Abbas

‘President Abbas assures me he is ready to work toward this goal [of peace] in good faith. And Prime Minister Netanyahu has promised the same,’ says US president in Bethlehem

US President Donald Trump, left, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas shake hands during a joint press conference at the presidential palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on May 23, 2017. (AFP/MANDEL NGAN)
US President Donald Trump, left, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas shake hands during a joint press conference at the presidential palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on May 23, 2017. (AFP/MANDEL NGAN)

Remarks by US President Donald Trump, at meeting in Bethlehem with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, May 23, 2017.

As President of the United States, on behalf of the people of the United States, I would like to begin by offering my prayers to the people of Manchester in The United Kingdom. I extend my deepest condolences to those so terribly injured in this terrorist attack, and to the many killed and the families of the victims. We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom.

So many young, beautiful innocent people, living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. I will call them losers from now on, because that is what they are: losers.

This is what I’ve spent these last few days talking about during my trip oversees. Our society can have no tolerance for this continuation of bloodshed, we cannot stand a moment longer for the slaughter of innocent citizens.

The terrorists and extremists, and those who give them aid and comfort, must be driven out from our society forever. This wicked ideology must be obliterated, and innocent life must be protected. All civilized nations must join together to protect human life and the sacred right of our citizens to live in safety and peace.

I want to offer my deep appreciation to the Palestinians and President Abbas for hosting me today. It is an honor to join you in Bethlehem — a city that is precious to people around the world.

As I discussed with President Abbas in Washington earlier this month, I am committed to trying to achieve a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians, and I intend to do everything I can to help them achieve that goal.

President Abbas assures me he is ready to work toward this goal in good faith. And Prime Minister Netanyahu has promised the same.

I look forward to working with these leaders toward lasting peace.

I also look forward to working with President Abbas on other important matters, such as unlocking the potential of the Palestinian economy and building on our very positive counter-terrorism efforts.

Several days ago in Saudi Arabia, I met with the leaders of Muslim and Arab nations across the region. I called on them to join in a partnership to drive terrorism from their midst once and for all. It was a deeply productive meeting, and many leaders agreed to cooperate with us on this vital goal.

I was gratified that President Abbas joined the summit and committed to taking firm but necessary steps to fight terrorism and confront its hateful ideology.

Peace can never take root in an environment where violence is tolerated, funded or rewarded. We must be resolute in condemning such acts in a single, unified voice.

Peace is a choice we must make each day, and the United States is here to help make that dream possible for young Jewish, Christian and Muslim children across the region. In so doing, we will all enjoy a safer and brighter future.

In this spirit of hope, we come to Bethlehem, asking God for a more peaceful, safe and more tolerant world for all.

I am truly hopeful that America can help Israelis and Palestinians forge peace, and bring new hope to the region and its people.

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