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Israeli hospital and U.S. Naval Forces prepare Kenya for mass casualty events

Sheba Global

For the first time ever, Israel’s Sheba Medical Center and the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet conducted a training program to prepare Kenya’s Navy for disasters.

Exchanges on medical-related topics were a major focus during Central Partnership Station. Medical professionals met to share ideas and best practices in treating patients in mass casualty, tactical combat care and public health emergencies. Military and civilian personnel from Kenya, Qatar, Denmark, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and U.S. Naval Forces Africa also participated in professional exchanges and community engagement events across the coastal city in southeastern Kenya, alongside their medical colleagues from Sheba.

The training included both disaster related clinical skills and system operation during a mass casualty event, and culminated in a full scale mass casualty exercise.

For more info about Sheba Medical Center:

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