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While a product of the Conservative movement, left-wing journalist argues in new book that ultra-Orthodoxy offers blueprint for ensuring that American Jewish life can thrive
Best-selling author provides a new concept to frame the ongoing fight against Hamas and Hezbollah sparked by the Oct. 7 massacre, says it may be resolved far from the Jewish state
ToI's senior analyst weighs in on the deep-rooted meaning of hostages in Jewish psyches and weighs in on what to look out for as Jewish students return to campuses across the US
New book by influential Conservative NY rabbi delves into the invisible thread that has tied the Jewish state to US Jewry - and how it could be snapped in the next generation
After a tumultuous week, we ask some big questions about how Israelis are viewing this decisive moment as the country, and its leadership, are torn in two as negotiations falter
Pulitzer Prize-winning NYT journalist weighs in on why Jewish students shouldn’t want a place at the DEI table even as their rights are being trampled on campuses
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