What Matters Now to Haviv Rettig Gur: Hamas’s survival is Gaza’s tragedy

ToI’s senior analyst delves into reasons why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now suddenly willing to strike a ‘bad’ deal even as his coalition partners threaten to leave him


Welcome to What Matters Now, a weekly podcast exploring key issues currently shaping Israel and the Jewish World, with host deputy editor Amanda Borschel-Dan speaking with The Times of Israel’s senior analyst, Haviv Rettig Gur.

When this podcast conversation was recorded, the deal between Israel and Hamas for a hostage release and temporary ceasefire in Gaza had not actually been signed and sealed. Despite jubilant announcements by mediators on Wednesday night, by Thursday morning, claims of last-minute demands from Hamas had prevented a formal announcement.

Whether or not the deal will go through, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new flexibility on several previously immovable points is noteworthy.

In our conversation, Rettig Gur postulates that there’s a reason Netanyahu seems to be struggling to speak clearly to his coalition partners and the electorate about his reasons for supporting the deal — and about what’s going on in the talks. Much of it may have to do with a potentially watershed moment — the Trump inauguration on January 20 — or maybe there is a secret second deal that Trump is already forwarding.

Hamas’s very survival is its victory, acknowledges Rettig Gur, who mourns the tragic fate that awaits Gazans as the agents of destruction again return to power.

So this week, we ask Haviv Rettig Gur: What matters now?

For further reading: With hostage deal, Netanyahu is going all in on Trump

This episode can also be viewed here:

What Matters Now podcasts are available for download on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. This episode was produced by the Pod-Waves. 

Check out the previous What Matters Now episode:

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