Jobs at The Times of Israel

The Times of Israel newsroom (ToI)

Join the team behind the fastest-growing news publisher in the world. Job vacancies will be added here periodically, so be sure to check this page from time to time.

Senior Editorial Positions

The Times of Israel is actively looking for outstanding journalists to work as News Editors and Reporters with our growing team.

The work is intense, challenging, and rewarding. It requires mother-tongue English and fluent Hebrew.

Please send cover letter, CV and writing sample/s to


Breaking News Editor

The Times of Israel seeks Breaking News Editors to join our breaking news team.

  • Journalism background and/or previous work in a news environment required.
  • The position requires a period of training, followed by work in the Jerusalem office or at home.
  • The position requires excellent writing skills, mother-tongue English and fluent Hebrew.

Interested applicants should please send CV, cover note and writing sample to


Sales Executive


  • Create leads for advertising sales on the ToI site and other channels
  • Present and promote opportunities to relevant leads
  • Generate sales leads
  • Manage leads through the entire sales process
  • Client management and ongoing client support


  • Highly organized and detail-oriented with strong numbers skills
  • Previously worked at an advertising agency – advantage
  • Meet and exceed sales targets
  • Excellent, mother-tongue level communication skills in English.
  • Build rapport and establish long term relationships with customers
  • Self-starter who can take projects from inception to completion independently
  • Strong interest and some significant experience in online media
  • Knowledge and experience in online advertising and product management a plus
  • Background in sales and marketing an advantage
  • Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different types of characters
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and manage time effectively

To apply, send your c.v. to We appreciate your time to applying for this position, relevant candidates will be contacted via email.

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