Another Way
Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain examine a midrashic text to discover how we can meaningfully express our regrets and make amends
Everyone does things that they regret sometimes but expressing that regret can often be a challenge. On this episode of TEXTing, Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain examine a text from Shemot Rabbah to discover how we can meaningfully express our regrets and make amends.
About TEXTing: TEXTing with Elana Stein Hain delves deeply into Jewish texts to guide and inspire us as we grapple with the concerns and meaning of this moment. Join Elana as she addresses the issues of our day through the lens of classical Jewish texts, in conversation with Hartman scholars Christine Hayes, Yonah Hain, and Leora Batnitzky.
TEXTing. Where ancient wisdom meets contemporary relevance.
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