
You get Israel news… but do you GET it? Here’s your chance to understand not only the big picture that we cover on The Times of Israel, but also the critical, juicy details of life in Israel.

In Streetwise Hebrew for the ToI Community, each month we’ll learn several colloquial Hebrew phrases around a common theme. These are bite-size audio Hebrew classes that we think you’ll really enjoy. At the end of the month, we’ll have a private discussion session about that theme with Guy Sharett, host of Streetwise Hebrew for the ToI Community.

Guy Sharett
Meet our host
Guy Sharett
Guy Sharett, originally from Ashdod, Israel, has always loved languages. Today he teaches Hebrew in the Shanghai International Studies University in Shanghai, China. He has a B.A in Hebrew Language from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and an M.A in Southeast Asian Studies from the University of London. Guy speaks seven languages, including Arabic, Thai, Indonesian and Italian, loves traveling, aviation and singing.

This is not your traditional Hebrew course or Ulpan — it’s a fun, unique way to better understand Israeli culture by learning the spoken language, the context, and the cultural significance of modern Hebrew phrases, including clips from Israeli popular music, TV and radio.

This was so much fun! I love Guy’s approach to Hebrew

– P.H., Montana

Join our Community and GET STREETWISE HEBREW

Fascinating hour, looking forward to the next one

– L.K., United Kingdom

Here’s a sample clip from the course:

Already a Community member? Click HERE to start Streetwise Hebrew

Most interesting and enjoyable…brilliant and so fun!

– L.S., Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    • Will I be able to speak fluent Hebrew after this course?
      That’s not really the goal of the course. The goal is to help you understand some key colloquial, modern Hebrew phrases and terms, so you can appreciate Israeli culture and news better. We do, however, believe Streetwise Hebrew will give you a better grasp of modern spoken Hebrew, which can help you on the path to fluency.
    • Does the course cost money?
      Nope, the course is included in your Community membership – there is no additional cost. 
    • How do I register for the Streetwise Hebrew course and sessions?
      If you’re a ToI Community member, there is no need to register for the course or discussion sessions in advance. We’ll send you links to listen to the course’s clips on demand on the Streetwise Hebrew for ToI Community page, and you will also receive emails with links to the live monthly discussion session with host Guy Sharett.
    • Are the courses and sessions live, or can I watch them at a later time?
      All of the course clips will be available on demand for you to access at your convenience. The monthly discussion sessions with Guy are initially presented live via Zoom, and a recording of each session can be accessed the following day by signing into your Community account and going to the Community website. 
    • How long is the course? And the monthly discussion sessions?
      Each month, the course includes four 5-10 minute audio clips around a common theme, and it will run for a number of months. Each monthly discussion session with Guy is about one hour long, with time reserved at the end for your Questions & Answers with Guy.
    • How does this course differ from the public Streetwise Hebrew podcast?
      The Streetwise Hebrew podcast produced by TLV1 includes over 300 individual podcasts with topics chosen by Guy. In this series, which is a partnership between TLV1 and The Times of Israel, we select four podcasts every month that have a common theme in order to better understand that news-focused topic and phrases/terms, and then host a live discussion session with Guy to bring those newly learned terms together to give you a deeper understanding of the timely theme.
    • Who can I write to if I still have questions?
      Just drop us an email to and we’ll be happy to reply. 
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