Those we have lost

Stories of civilians and soldiers killed since Hamas’s onslaught on Israel on October 7, 2023

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The 'Those We Have Lost' project commemorating individuals killed in the 2023-2024 war with Hamas is ongoing. The results seen here do not yet reflect the full picture of those Israelis and foreigners in Israel who were killed on and since October 7, 2023

Staff Sgt. Roy Bareket (Courtesy)
Staff Sgt. Roy Bareket, 20: ‘Redhead with dimples’ slain in firefight
Killed battling the Hamas invasion of the Nahal Oz IDF base on October 7
Shahar Manzur (Courtesy)
Shahar Manzur, 28: Electrician had plans to propose to girlfriend
Murdered while trying to flee the Supernova music festival on October 7
Yuval Buyum (Courtesy)
Yuval Buyum, 21: Talented pianist whose ‘soul was wrapped up in music’
Murdered by Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7
Sgt. Maj. Yakir Blohman (Israel Police)
Sgt. Maj. Yakir Blohman, 33: Police detective and ‘total family man’
Killed battling Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on October 7
Cpt. Rom Shlomi (IDF)
Cpt. Rom Shlomi, 23: Shaldag officer known for being ‘a good friend’
Killed on October 7 battling the Hamas invasion of the Re'im IDF Base
Dr. Michael Murzakhanov (Courtesy)
Michael Murzakhanov, 69: Prison doctor who spread ‘positive energy’
Murdered by Hamas terrorists on the way from Netivot to Ashkelon on October 7
Elad Katzir (Courtesy)
Elad Katzir, 47: Kibbutz farmer was the ultimate ‘cool uncle’
Kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7 and murdered in captivity, his body retrieved in April 2024
Staff Sgt. Nehoray Levi Amitay (IDF)
Staff Sgt. Nehoray Amitay, 20: Squad commander with innocent blue eyes
Killed battling Hamas at the IDF Nahal Oz outpost on October 7
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