Those we have lost

Stories of civilians and soldiers killed since Hamas’s onslaught on Israel on October 7, 2023

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The 'Those We Have Lost' project commemorating individuals killed in the 2023-2024 war with Hamas is ongoing. The results seen here do not yet reflect the full picture of those Israelis and foreigners in Israel who were killed on and since October 7, 2023

Daniel Vadai (Courtesy)
Daniel Vadai, 27: Soccer player who was a smiling prankster
Murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7
Staff Sgt. Josef Itamar Bruchim who was killed by a Hamas rocket in Sderot on October 8, 2023. (Courtesy)
Staff Sgt. Itamar Bruchim, 19: Born leader lived fully in the moment
Killed by a Hamas rocket strike in Sderot on October 8, 2023
Elia Iluz (Courtesy)
Elia Iluz, 27: Father of toddler was just beginning career as a DJ
Murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on Oct. 7
Aviel Rahamim, who was murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Nova music festival on October 7, 2023. (Courtesy)
Aviel Rahamim, 27: Partygoer ‘just wanted to do good in the world’
Murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7
Maj. Avraham Hovelashvili (IDF)
Maj. Avi Hovelashvili, 26: Career officer never got to meet his son
Killed while battling the Hamas invasion of southern Israel on October 7
Master Sgt. (res.) Ido Keslazi who was killed by Hamas terrorists in Zikim on October 11, 2023. (IDF)
Master Sgt. Ido Kaslasi, 23: A perfect mix of ‘roughness, sensitivity’
Killed battling Hamas terrorists near Zikim on October 11, 2023
Supt. Dan Ganot who was killed battling Hamas terrorists at Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7, 2023. (Israel Police)
Supt. Dan Ganot, 41: Cop spent time mentoring at-risk youth
Killed battling the Hamas invasion of Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7
Eliyahu Yaakov Berenshtein (Courtesy)
Eliyahu Berenshtein, 19: Oldest of 10 was ‘magical’ musical autodidact
Murdered by Hamas terrorists while trying to flee the Supernova music festival on October 7
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