Promoted PodcastTAU Global Connection

Understanding the Brain

What exactly is neuroscience? How do researchers study the brain of a one-month-old baby? How are cognitive abilities measured?

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Dr. Sagi Jaffe-Dax is a researcher with the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University (TAU), where he heads up the Cognitive Development Lab. In this episode of The Global Connection, Orit Coty from The Lowy International School interviews Sagi about the field of neuroscience; the differences between child and adult cognition; what neuroscience can tell us about the infant brain; and about Jaffe-Dax’s new role as head of the International MSc in Neuroscience program.

Learn more about MSc in Neuroscience at TAUApplications to the fully-funded MSc in Neuroscience are open until March 20, 2024.

The Global Connection reveals how TAU’s academic community and friends are engaging with this ever-changing world. The podcast features interviews with visiting scholars, international students, TAU professors, and others working on global issues and topics.

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