Ghost in the Machine
Exploring the ethical and religious implications of “DeathGPT” -an AI simulation of a person for after they are deceased
Death isn’t always an elegant ending. When Muhammad Ahmad, a research scientist with a doctorate in machine learning, learned his father’s diagnosis was terminal, he began to create a text-based AI simulation. Host David Zvi Kalman explores the successes and limitations of this process with Mohammed and Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky, who shares a Jewish take on “DeathGPT” and wonders if ancient scholars could enter the chat.
About ‘Belief in the Future’: Technology and religion sometimes seem like oil and water, but they’ve been crossing paths for centuries and aren’t going to stop. Hosted by David Zvi Kalman. New episode every other week.
Belief in the Future is a production of Sinai and Synapses. It was made with support from Templeton World Charity Foundation.
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