Times of Israel podcasts
US bureau chief Jacob Magid on the effect of a new PA-Hamas alliance on an Egyptian effort for a phased hostage release in Gaza; Trump's plans for more Abraham Accords
Arab affairs correspondent Gianluca Pacchiani discusses Lebanese Shiites and Syrian rebels; environment reporter Sue Surkes reviews a watered-down climate bill and recycled textiles
Military reporter Emanuel Fabian on Israel's airstrikes in Lebanon and the message they're sending, efforts to thwart Iranian weapons shipments, and new information from Gaza
Political correspondent Tal Schneider discusses hostage talks and Goldknopf's visit to the Gaza border; writer Diana Bletter reports on devastated northern towns
Diplomatic reporter Lazar Berman breaks down the rebel insurgence, Russia's role, and why it may affect Israel; and how Iran views the Lebanon ceasefire and the chances for a Gaza one
Tuvia Book is a tour guide in ‘real life,’ but since Oct. 7, the ToI blogger has spent most of his days with the Palmar Asaf Medical Extraction Unit, retrieving wounded from Gaza
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