Israel to up medical assistance to combat Ebola

Foreign Ministry sends two doctors to Cameroon; additional experts, medications, and equipment to be dispatched to Western Africa

Marissa Newman is The Times of Israel political correspondent.

Dr. Leslie Lobel visits an Ebola survivor in his home. (Photo credit: Eric Weiss/Courtesy of Leslie Lobel)
Dr. Leslie Lobel visits an Ebola survivor in his home. (Photo credit: Eric Weiss/Courtesy of Leslie Lobel)

Israel is set to increase its medical assistance to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Camaroon this week to help combat the deadly Ebola virus, which has claimed the lives of over 2,600 people.

The decision came days after UN ambassador Ron Prosor pledged Israeli assistance to battle the rapidly spreading epidemic.

The Foreign Ministry has already dispatched two doctors to Cameroon, Yedioth Ahronoth reported, and was set to send other doctors as well as medical equipment and medications.

The IsraAID organization announced Friday it too would be sending two delegations to Western Africa. One team will be tasked with instructing citizens on hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus, while the other will treat trauma.

“Africa is on fire and the world must unite to put that fire out,” Prosor told the UN Security Council during a special session on Friday.

“Israel continues to support countries in times of crisis, and is sending financial aid, medical equipment and health experts to Cameron to help prevent and contain the Ebola disease. All countries have the obligation to participate in the battle against Ebola and must replace the inaction with initiative.”

The virus, spread by contact with bodily fluids, has killed more than 2,600 in West Africa since the outbreak began last December, according to the World Health Organization. It is killing about half of the people it infects.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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