Austria plots out gradual return to ‘normal’

Austria could start easing its coronavirus lockdown measures from next week, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says, but warns that this depended on citizens abiding by social distancing rules.

“The aim is that from April 14… smaller shops up to a size of 400 square meters, as well as hardware and garden stores can open again, under strict security conditions of course,” Kurz said at a press conference.

He adds that if the government’s timetable goes to plan, larger shops will reopen on May 1.

From mid-May hotels, restaurants and other services could also start to open their doors again in stages, Kurz said, adding that a decision on this would be made at the end of April.

A member of the medical staff measures the temperature of a traveler at a autobahn park place near Gries am Brenner, Austrian province of Tyrol, at border crossing with Italy on March 10, 2020. (AP Photo/Kerstin Joensson )

Schools will remain closed until at least mid-May and public events will remain banned until the end of June.

If trends in infection begin to worsen again, the government “always has the possibility to hit the emergency brake” and re-introduce restrictions, Kurz says.


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