Jerusalem deploys police, opens traffic hotline for mourners

The Jerusalem municipality says that a large force of police officers, border police, traffic police and volunteers has been mustered to oversee security at Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s funeral.

The funeral is slated to begin at 6 p.m. at the Porat Yosef Yeshiva in the Geula neighborhood and the mourners will proceed on foot to the Sanhedria cemetery. The streets around the cemetery will be closed to car and bus traffic and the police have instructed the public not to arrive in private vehicles to the site.

The following roads will be closed: Shmuel Hanavi, Eshkol, Golda Meir, Bar Ilan, Yirmiyahu, Malchei Yisrael and Yehezkel.

Egged has arranged for public buses to leave from the parking lot of the International Convention Center, near the Central Bus Station, to a parking area in Sanhedria near the proceedings.

The city opened a special hotline for public queries concerning street closures, transportation and parking: 1-700-553-100.

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