Netanyahu tells Congress: ‘It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization… We will win’

Lazar Berman is The Times of Israel's diplomatic reporter

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol on July 24, 2024, in Washington, DC. (Drew Angerer/AFP)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to a joint meeting of Congress at the US Capitol on July 24, 2024, in Washington, DC. (Drew Angerer/AFP)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanks the bipartisan leadership of both houses of Congress as he begins his address.

“In the Middle East, Iran’s axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends…It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization,” he says to applause, “between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life.”

“For the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together,” he says. “Because when we stand together, something very simple happens — we win, they lose.”

“And my friends, I came to assure you of one thing today, we will win.”

Considerable applause greets the pledge.

Netanyahu then ties in the October 7 attacks in Israel with the attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and 9/11, calling it “a day that will live in infamy.”

He describes the Hamas attacks as a day when  “heaven turned into hell,” adding that it was like having twenty 9/11s in one day.

“They raped women. They beheaded men. They burned babies alive. They killed parents in front of their children, and children in front of their parents. They dragged 255 people into the dark dungeons of Gaza,” Netanyahu says.

He adds that Israel has brought home 135 hostages, to standing applause.

He also acknowledges freed hostage Noa Argamani, who stands and holds Sara Netanyahu’s hand.

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