Polish nationalists protest outside US Embassy against Holocaust restitution
Demonstrators decry law passed in Washington requiring State Department to keep track of European countries’ efforts to return WWII Jewish property
WARSAW, Poland — Dozens of nationalists picketed in front of the American embassy in Warsaw against the restitution of Jewish property.
Wednesday’s protest was held under the slogan “Stop Jewish property claims” and is related to a new US law on restitution.
The US House of Representatives on Tuesday unanimously passed a bill to support victims of the Holocaust and their families in the process of restitution and recovery of property. Under the measure, the US State Department must report the progress of some European countries, including Poland, regarding the return of property unjustly confiscated during the war.
The new law does not impose any sanctions on countries that do not lead to a restitution process. Nevertheless, the nationalists see it as a threat.
Polish lawmaker Robert Winnicki, president of the National Movement, who led the demonstration, said the goal is to protest “against extortion of money and Polish national assets rebuilt after World War II by Polish people.”
Nationalists protested “against the interference of another state in our internal affairs.”
“Polish authorities were inactive in the face of Israeli aggression,” Winnicki said. “The Jews will not get a penny from us.”
"Jest to wyłącznie polską kwestią, jak załatwimy sprawę roszczeń reprywatyzacyjnych. Zwłaszcza, że te roszczenia są w Stanach Zjednoczonych artykułowane głównie przez organizacje, nie przez konkretnych ludzi"
– poseł Robert Winnicki (pikieta przeciw ustawie #447)#RuchNarodowy pic.twitter.com/l3vczuYj5T— Ruch Narodowy Mazowsze (@RNMazowsze) April 25, 2018