Bombed Syrian site seen in satellite images

Aerial photos of Jamraya research facility outside Damascus show charred parking lot where Israeli bombs allegedly struck

Ilan Ben Zion is an AFP reporter and a former news editor at The Times of Israel.

A Google Earth view of a Syrian scientific facility in Jamraya, near Damascus, before it was allegedly struck by Israeli warplanes in late January 2013. (photo credit: image capture from Google Earth)
A Google Earth view of a Syrian scientific facility in Jamraya, near Damascus, before it was allegedly struck by Israeli warplanes in late January 2013. (photo credit: image capture from Google Earth)

Satellite images of a Syrian research facility north of Damascus published on Wednesday appear to contain proof of an airstrike allegedly carried out by Israel against an arms convoy last week.

The Digital Globe satellite photos, broadcast by Channel 2, show a smoke-blackened parking lot outside the Jamraya scientific research facility that, in images published on Google Earth before the bombing, was not charred.

A Google Earth view of a Syrian scientific facility in Jamraya, near Damascus, before it was allegedly struck by Israeli warplanes in late January (photo credit: image capture from Google Earth)
A Google Earth view of a Syrian scientific facility in Jamraya, near Damascus, before it was allegedly struck by Israeli warplanes in late January (photo credit: image capture from Google Earth)

Contrary to the admissions of the Syrian state news agency SANA, from an aerial view none of the buildings at the site appears to have been damaged in the alleged strike.

Satellite image of the parking lot outside the Syrian scientific research facility after it was allegedly struck by the IAF in late January. (photo credit: image capture from Channel 2)
Satellite image of the parking lot outside the Syrian scientific research facility after it was allegedly struck by the IAF in late January. (photo credit: image capture from Channel 2)

Israel has remained mum about foreign media reports of IAF jets striking a convoy of anti-aircraft missiles that the Assad regime was suspected of shuttling across the Lebanese border to Hezbollah.

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