Daily Briefing Jan. 28: Day 480 – Quagmire in judicial branch as justice minister flexes

Legal reporter Jeremy Sharon updates us on PM Netanyahu’s testimony in his corruption trial and weighs in on Justice Minister Levin’s stated boycott of the new Supreme Court head


Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 20-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world.

Legal reporter Jeremy Sharon joins host Amanda Borschel-Dan for today’s episode.

Sharon was in court yesterday as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resumed his testimony in his corruption trial. We hear whether the premier seems in good health following his prostate surgery even as his hearing was canceled today and tomorrow over a judge’s illness.

We learn that an angry Netanyahu alleged that key aspects of the case against him rested on testimony that had been illegitimately obtained from former aides Nir Hefetz, Ari Harrow, and Shlomo Filber and that aspects of the indictment against him are factually inaccurate.

After an unprecedented 16 months without a permanent Supreme Court president and in the face of unrelenting opposition from Justice Minister Yariv Levin, Justice Isaac Amit was elected head of Israel’s top court on Sunday night in a court-forced vote by the Judicial Selection Committee.

Sharon delves into the tricky situation in which Levin, together with the other coalition representatives in the committee, Settlements Minister Orit Strock and Otzma Yehudit MK Yitzhak Kroizer, boycotted the hearing in protest of the decision by the Supreme Court — sitting as the High Court of Justice — to order him to hold a vote in the committee.

This conversation can also be viewed here:

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Discussed articles include:

Netanyahu aiming to meet Trump at White House next week in first visit by foreign leader

Netanyahu accuses police of extorting ‘false testimony’ from state witnesses

Isaac Amit finally elected Supreme Court president; Levin pledges to boycott him

Israel finally gets a permanent Supreme Court president; what does he stand for?

Subscribe to The Times of Israel Daily Briefing on Apple PodcastsSpotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. This episode was produced by the Pod-Waves.

Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode here:

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