Hadar Hoshen, 28: Travel enthusiast with a ‘radiant personality’
Murdered at the Supernova music festival, October 7
Hadar Hoshen, 28, from Petah Tikva, was murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7.
She went to the rave with four other friends. When the rocket fire started, they split up and headed in different directions, with Hoshen taking refuge in a roadside bomb shelter. Only three of the five friends returned home alive; Hoshen and her friend Livnat Levi were both murdered.
Hoshen was considered missing for 10 days after the massacre until her body was finally discovered. She was buried on October 17 in Petah Tikva.
She is survived by her mother, Galia, and four siblings. She was predeceased by her father, Avtalyon, who died eight years ago while she was completing a year of national service at a Jewish school in Los Angeles.
At the time of her murder, Hoshen had just started a job as a SOC analyst at the high-tech firm CloudEdge and was also involved in a travel startup. She loved to see the world and had only recently returned from a six-month trip to South America when she was murdered.
She loved to document her travels and her visits to festivals on her Instagram page: In her final post, shared on October 6, 2023, she wrote alongside a black-and-white photo of herself, simply: “I believe I can fly.” The bio on her page read: “Live your life to the fullest and cherish every day as if it were your last.”
At her funeral, her brother, Dor, tearfully eulogized her: “What a rose you were. Beautiful on the inside and out… I love you Hadar my sister. I miss you so much. I can’t breathe.”
“As a child, Hadar was as sweet as a doll,” her mother, Galia, told La’Isha magazine. “Warm and loving, with a smile that never left her face. She was also a little stubborn, and when she grew up, that trait became assertiveness. She would set herself goals and achieve them one by one. She also had the widest heart… there was an energy that was out of this world. Anywhere she went she would lift everyone’s spirits with her laughter and joy for life.”
Her cousin, Tchiya Zinnar, wrote on Instagram about Hadar’s “shining personality, joy, the craziest in the family, crazy in the way you can’t miss her when she enters a room, and things immediately start to move and come to life… Crazy in the way you dance and are really happy as if nobody is watching, with your radiant personality and a huge smile on your face.”
“Thank you for who you were for me, for the many experiences we had together, for the laughter and the fun and the TikToks and the photos,” Zinnar wrote. “Thank you for teaching me what bravery is and how to grow from difficulties. How to be true to yourself, how to set a goal and go after it with all your strength until you achieve it… to fight for who you are and what you love. To be happy, to smile, and to laugh endlessly, from your whole heart.”