Pro-Israel hacker publishes secret Iranian documents
Hannibal, the Zionist computer whiz is at it again – posting what he describes as ‘confidential information of the Iranian army, government and citizens’
Hours after Arab hackers renewed their attacks on Israeli websites Wednesday, pro-Israel hacker Hannibal released what he said was the first of a cache of sensitive Iranian government documents. Hannibal posted the documents on eight different file sharing sites, and thousands of people have downloaded the compressed file of nearly three dozen documents – called “Iran’s secret documents.”
Hackers on Wednesday attacked the websites of Haaretz, El Al, the Dan bus company, and the Israeli Cinemateque, as well as those of several hospitals. The sites’ home pages were replaced with pages containing epithets against Israel and Jews, and threats to “kidnap four Gilad Shalits” for Israel’s “crimes against Palestinians.”
Several weeks ago, a hacker called 0x0mar, said to be Saudi, released the credit card details of 15,000 Israelis, but Hannibal was convinced that 0x0mar is actually Iranian – and that, in fact, the recent cyber-attacks on Israel originate from Iran. Identifying 0x0mar (whom he traced from connection logs from various Internet logs) as a well-known Iranian hacker called alm3refh, Hannibal wrote that 0x0mar has been masquerading as a Saudi in order to “create intrigues between Israel and Saudi-Arabia – exactly when both countries need to unite against Iran.”
Several days ago, Hannibal wrote that he was now dedicating his efforts to conducting cyber-warfare against Iran – and on Wednesday, he released what he said was just a small percentage of Iranian government documents that he claims to have purloined from secure servers in Iran. “Today I’m leaking confidential information of the Iranian Army, Iranian government and citizens,” Hannibal wrote in his latest message, posted on a site popular with hackers. “It’s nothing compared to what I have. This percentage is very small.”
The documents themselves – written in Farsi, of course – are a mix of what appears to be public relations materials, information about government health services – and documents from the Iranian Army discussing deployment plans, military exercises, and draft criteria. None of the documents seem to discuss Iran’s nuclear program, but Hannibal says he intends to obtain that information soon.
Last week, Hannibal said that he received a threatening letter from a top Iranian official, who demanded that he stop trying to hack into Iranian sites. The letter, Hannibal claimed, was from Deputy Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammad Reza Rahimi, who threatened to “eliminate” him “if you publish the list of bank accounts.”
Last Saturday night, Hannibal released identity information for over 100,000 Facebook and e-mail accounts he says belongs to Arabs. And if cyber-attacks on Israeli sites don’t stop, he said he would release a lot more information. “I have about 30 million email accounts, 10 million bank accounts, 4 million credit cards of Arabs from all over the world,” Hannibal wrote. “I received thousands of emails from Arabs who are begging me to stop publishing their bills and hurt them.” Defending Israel from cyber-attack is his job, Hannibal added. “Jewish people named me as the general of Israel’s hackers. The Arabs should learn a lesson and know not to mess with me.”