Egypt refers 58 Islamists to military trial

Egypt refers 58 Islamists suspected of links with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to a military court over alleged “terrorist attacks” against the police and public property.

The authorities have waged a deadly crackdown against the Brotherhood since the army overthrew Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, and accuse the movement of being behind attacks against security forces.

Prosecutors accuse the 58 Islamists, 37 of whom are in custody, of working for the Brotherhood and carrying out “terrorist attacks” between August 2013 and October 2014.

They are charged with “attempted murder of police officers, acts of sabotage against public buildings and property, resisting security forces and vandalism,” a prosecution statement says.

It says the accused wanted to deal a blow to the Egyptian economy, already battered by years of political turmoil, and sow terror among the people.


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