Prosecution said to request three life sentences for Duma firebomber

The state prosecution is asking the Jerusalem District Court to sentence a man convicted of killing two Palestinian parents and their 18-month-old toddler to three consecutive life sentences, plus an extra 40 years, according to reports in Hebrew language media.

Israeli Amiram Ben Uliel carried out the firebombing attack on the Dawabshe family home in the West Bank town of Duma in July 2016.

A Palestinian police member inspects the damage inside a burned-out house belonging to a key witness to an arson attack last year by Jewish extremists that killed a Palestinian family, in the West Bank village of Duma, after fire broke out in the home in the early hours of March 20, 2016. (AFP/Jaafar Ashtiyeh)

Nasser Dawabshe, whose brother Said was killed in the attack, tells the court that when he got to the house shortly after the attack “it was hell. High temperatures, explosions and smoke.”

He says when he went back in with firefighters he felt something soft on his leg.

“When I lifted it, I saw it was Ali,” he says, according to Haaretz, referring to the killed toddler. “When the doctor started to work on him he was coal. Parts of his body were no longer there.”

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