Right-wing alliance says it will recommend Netanyahu as next PM despite charges

The Union of Right Wing Parties, an alliance of the Jewish Home, National Union and Otzma Yehudit parties, says it will back Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the next premier despite the announcement of corruption charges against Netanyahu, pending a hearing.

“Every person, including Benjamin Netanyahu, is innocent until proven guilty, and therefore the Union of Right Wing Parties will recommend after the elections that Prime Minister Netanyahu be the candidate to form a strong and stable right-wing government,” the party says in a statement.

“However, in light of past bitter experience, it is now clearer than ever that the Union of Right Wing Parties — the only slate truly committed to the Land of Israel — must be large and strong so that we will not find ourselves the day after the elections with a Bibi-Gantz-Lapid government that could lead us to the establishment of a Palestinian terror state,” it adds.

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