ToI Video | 12:35

State of Jerusalem: The Maqdasyin

East Jerusalem Arabs seek greater integration

In this final part of our three-part miniseries, we focus on how the status of the ‘Maqdasyin’ – East Jerusalem Arabs – affects the city, and the rest of Israel

In Jerusalem, nothing is quite as it seems, and the complex relationships among communities can change rapidly. “State of Jerusalem” is a three-part miniseries that describes the relationships among the various communities in the city.

In this episode, the third in the series: Very quietly, the Arabs of East Jerusalem are learning Hebrew, becoming Israeli citizens, and seeking to integrate. How will the status of the ‘Maqdasyin’ (East Jerusalem Arabs) affect Jerusalem — and Israel?

The series, originally released in Hebrew, was created by Eiv Kristal and Natan Odenheimer and co-produced with Kan (the Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation). It was adapted to English by The Times of Israel.

For those who wish to slow down the audio/video, click on the wheel icon (“Settings”) on the bottom-right of the video screen. Click on “Playback speed,” and then select a slower speed. We recommend 0.75 to better understand the commentary.

View episode one of State of Jerusalem: The ‘Secular’ Struggle
View episode two of State of Jerusalem: The Christian Community

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