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Trump’s daughter, son-in-law visit Lubavitcher rebbe

Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner make pre-election trip to ‘the Ohel’ in NY to ‘receive inspiration and blessing’

The daughter and son-in-law of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump visited the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, New York, Saturday night.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner visited the grave site, known as “the Ohel” — Hebrew for “the tent” — which houses the remains of the former rebbe of Chabad, Menachem M. Schneerson, as well as those of Schneerson’s father-in-law, who was the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Trump, like her husband, practices Orthodox Judaism.

The Ohel is visited by tens of thousands of Jews annually who come to pray and pay homage to the late rebbe, who is hailed as the messiah by many of his followers. The Chabad website describes the Ohel as being a “place where thousands come and continue to receive inspiration and blessing from the Rebbe.”

While he was alive, many politicians would come to visit the rebbe and ask for his blessing, hoping to use these meetings as a demonstration of the spiritual leader’s support.

Last week, Marc Zell, head of Republicans Abroad Israel, told Yanky Farber, a columnist for Behadrei Haredim, that a mekubal, or sage steeped in the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah, had informed him that according to the tradition’s seminal text, the Zohar, Trump will be the next president of the United States.

“Two days ago, a great mekubal came to me — I don’t want to say his name — with all his entourage from Bnei Brak, just to give me this message for Donald Trump,” Zell reportedly said. “According to the rabbi, the Zohar says Donald Trump will win next week. The rabbi didn’t ask for anything, but just wanted to send this message.”

He said he “passed this on to the Trump campaign in the US and the Jewish advisers were amazed, in a good way, about this news.”

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