Dance like they do

A modern dance fest rooted in Jewish values

The all-male, nearly all-religious Ka’Et Ensemble brings local troupes to perform at its annual festival

Jessica Steinberg, The Times of Israel's culture and lifestyles editor, covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center

Orly Portal, one of the guest dancers appearing at 'Between Heaven and Earth,' the Ka'Et Ensemble festival taking place November 2-9, 2017 (Courtesy Tami Weiss)
Orly Portal, one of the guest dancers appearing at 'Between Heaven and Earth,' the Ka'Et Ensemble festival taking place November 2-9, 2017 (Courtesy Tami Weiss)

Jewish modern dance is featured during Jerusalem’s Between Heaven and Earth Festival, November 2-9, hosted by the city’s Ka’Et Ensemble, the all-male, nearly all-religious dance troupe that is celebrating its eighth year of hosting the festival.

Created by choreographer Ronen Itzhaki, the festival welcomes other Israeli dancers and choreographers to its week-long celebration of dance imbued with Jewish values, delving into childhood memories, thoughts of belonging, genetics and family roots as well as family archives, beliefs and the continuity of parental values.

The festival opens November 2 with a Ka’Et premiere at the Gerard Behar Theater, celebrating inter-generational connections with fellow artists, who will dance, sing and present onstage.

There are also workshops during the week for finding one’s personal groove, discovering Eastern dance, and exploring Gaga (for men only), the dance movement language created by Batsheva’s Ehud Naharin. The workshops are being held at either Gerard Behar or the Efron Center.

Be sure to buy tickets in advance for the closing night of the festival, at the Israel Museum, with premieres of dance works by Shoshelet Marin, a troupe made up of several family members, who use dance to present about their family history, memories and shared genes.

Ticket packages are available ahead of the festival, at the festival website, with early-bird sales of NIS 50 for one performance, and NIS 70 for two performances available until October 26. After October 26, tickets cost NIS 60 for one show, and NIS 90 for two. There is a 20% discount for Jerusalem card holders.

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