From the Hartman InstitutePromoted podcast

Israel’s War and the Diaspora

In discussion with Chanan Weissman, Yehuda Kurtzer describes the deep trauma facing both Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora as this war develops on the ground and on our screens

Illustrative: A Shabbat table set for 224 people in Times Square, New York, on October 26, 2023, symbolizing the plight of the hostages held captive in Gaza. (Israeli-American Council)
Illustrative: A Shabbat table set for 224 people in Times Square, New York, on October 26, 2023, symbolizing the plight of the hostages held captive in Gaza. (Israeli-American Council)

In this recording of a conversation from Wednesday, October 25, Chanan Weissman, director of the SAPIR Institute, and Yehuda Kurtzer discuss Yehuda’s recent trip to Israel, which he likens to visiting a shiva house. Yehuda describes the deep trauma facing both Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora as this war develops on the ground and on our screens.

Finally, they discuss the ethical considerations of Israel’s military campaign against Hamas, and how liberal North American Jews may be struggling to reconcile priorities of justice and compassion with commitments to solidarity and peoplehood.

Identity/Crisis is a weekly podcast from the Shalom Hartman Institute about news and ideas.

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