11 million eggs may be tainted with salmonella

The health and agriculture ministries call on the public not to buy or use eggs sold by “Yesh Maof” that bear a sell by date of up to and including October 20, following the discovery of salmonella in a part of the company’s laying sheds at Moshav Goren in the Galilee.

Some 11 million suspect eggs have already reached the market.

Eggs already at home should be thrown into the trash and not returned to the retailer, the Health Ministry says.

An ultra orthodox man carries eggs in Jerusalem on April 5, 2009. (Matanya Tausig/Flash90)

The presence of the salmonella was detected during a routine inspection of sheds at Moshav Goren carried out by Agriculture Ministry inspectors.

One shed was definitely infected by salmonella. Another was clean, and a further two were still being inspected.

According to the Health Ministry, inspectors have already checked 60 percent of laying sheds in the country as part of an ongoing program to control salmonella, but have found the bacteria in less than 3% of them.

— Sue Surkes

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