Praise for Trump’s speech from right, challenge from Livni

As Trump’s convoy of helicopters make their way from Jerusalem to Ben Gurion Airport, praise is continuing to flutter in, though not everyone is taking the same message from the speech.

MK Avi Dichter, head of the Knesset Defense and Foreign Affairs, calls the speech ” a sharp statement” that is “important given attempts by Palestinians and other countries to create a false history about Jerusalem and Israel.”

Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council in the northern West Bank, says the address was more pro-Israel than even most Knesset members would give.

“After this speech and this visit, there is no excuse not to restart building in Jerusalem and the West Bank,” he says. “It’s clear that even if the US opposes building, they won’t fight against it.”

However opposition MK Tzipi Livni, a former foreign minister, sees in the speech an opening for peace.

“Trump made clear today that in his view both Abbas and Netanyahu are partners for peace. Now they need to prove it,” she says.


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