Times Will Tell

Podcast: How does it feel? Bob Dylan thinker explores the singer’s spiritual wisdom

Stephen Daniel Arnoff speaks about the music, lyrics and lessons learned from a lifetime of Dylan songs

Welcome to this week’s Times Will Tell, the weekly podcast from the Times of Israel.

This week, host Jessica Steinberg speaks with Dr. Stephen Daniel Arnoff, newly minted author of “About Man and God and Law: The Spiritual Wisdom of Bob Dylan” (Morgan James).

Arnoff is a passionate music lover and musician, a side gig to his professional role as CEO of the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center.

With a doctorate in midrash and scriptural interpretation from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Arnoff specializes in the connections between religion and popular culture, brought to bear in his new book.

In the podcast, Arnoff discusses his own love for Bob Dylan and his personal rock ‘n roll history and how that has morphed into a lifelong exploration of Dylan’s music and lyrics.

He looks at Judaism and Christianity through the prism of Dylan’s music and the questions asked by Bob Dylan in a lifetime of songs.

Times Will Tell podcasts are available for download on iTunesTuneIn, Pocket CastsStitcher, PlayerFM or wherever you get your podcasts.

Check out this previous Times Will Tell episode:

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