Erdan: UN silence on Iran’s threats similar to global silence on Nazi plans to exterminate Jews
Israel’s outgoing UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan says the United Nation’s silence on Iranian threats to attack Israel resembles global silence when the Nazis finalized their plans for the Holocaust, in his farewell speech in New York.
“Iran and its proxies are threatening to attack us from every direction. Those who try to hurt us should know that we will not be deterred. They must know they will pay a heavy price, and our long arm will reach them everywhere,” he says.
“Even today, as Iran openly threatens to ‘punish Israel,’ the UN is silent once again. Iran has understood this silence as a green light to carry on its preparations to attack millions of Israelis. Millions that are waiting right now,” Erdan says.
“The UN’s current silence on Iran is reminiscent of the global silence after the Wannasee Conference in 1942 when the Nazi leadership decided on the final solution. They understood this silence as a green light for the murder of millions of Jews,” he says.
Erdan hails his work at the “hypocritical” organization, particularly during the Israel-Hamas war.
“I had the immense, immense privilege of representing Israel at the United Nations. I woke up every morning with a clear mission to prove that Israel is a moral state, a country that cherishes life and peace, a country that wants to protect its citizens like any other country, and a state with the best and most ethical army in the world — the IDF,” he says.
“I did everything I could to raise awareness about the horrors of October 7, about our hostages … and the sexual violence we saw against Israeli women. I did this in every way possible, and with all means at my disposal, yes. It was a way to raise awareness, to shock, to cry out for those who cannot.” he adds.
שגריר ישראל באו״ם גלעד ארדן מסיים את תפקידו. הלילה נערך בניו יורק אירוע פרידה ממנו. ארדן הוא לטעמי מהפוליטיקאים היותר רציניים שמשרתים בישראל. הוא בקי בחומר, מניע תהליכים, נלחם על צדקתה של ישראל ויודע לרתום ולא חושש להתעמת גם עם כוחות בתוך הבית שלא תמיד מתיישרים.
כאן בסרטונים הוא…— Ariel Kahana אריאל כהנא (@arik3000) August 7, 2024