ADL: Incidents of antisemitic propaganda in US double from 2021 to 2022

Luke Tress is The Times of Israel's New York correspondent.

Antisemitic fliers seen in Georgia in February 2023. (Esther Panitch/Twitter)
Antisemitic fliers seen in Georgia in February 2023. (Esther Panitch/Twitter)

Incidents of white supremacists distributing propaganda in the US hit a record high last year, according to a new report.

The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism tallied 6,751 incidents of white supremacist propaganda in 2022. The figure marked a 38 percent increase over the previous year.

The propaganda activity included the mass distribution of material targeting Jews, the LGBTQ community and other minority groups.

Recorded incidents of antisemitic propaganda more than doubled from 352 incidents in 2021 to 852 last year. There were 219 incidents on school campuses, mostly colleges, a decrease from previous years.

White supremacist propaganda was reported in every state except Hawaii. The states with the most incidents were Texas, Massachusetts and Virginia.

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