Don’t rush to point fingers at police, head ZAKA rescuer at Meron says

Zohar Dvir, head of the ZAKA rescue teams at the Meron holy site who has been on the scene for most of the last 24 hours, says people shouldn’t rush to point fingers at police for the tragedy.

“I think it is a tragedy that happened, not a mistake or negligence. It’s really not negligence. The problem is the facility and the large crowds,” he tells The Times of Israel.

ZAKA rescue officer Zohar Dvir at Mount Meron on April 30, 2021. (Nathan Jeffay/Times of Israel)

“Things look tough now, it’s important to say everything will be investigated. It was an effect like dominos of people falling, one on top of another.

“It’s an event police plan for months [ahead of time] and the standard of policing was high.”

— Nathan Jeffay

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