Ultra-Orthodox activists establish illegal settlement outpost in southern West Bank

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Ultra-Orthodox activists set up an illegal settlement outpost in the southern West Bank on August 16, 2022 (Courtesy Residents of Derech Emunah)
Ultra-Orthodox activists set up an illegal settlement outpost in the southern West Bank on August 16, 2022 (Courtesy Residents of Derech Emunah)

A group of ultra-Orthodox families announce they have established an illegal settlement outpost in the southern West Bank, close to the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Metzad.

There are 15 families, including some with children, who have created the unauthorized settlement, named Derech Emunah, and they have erected at least 15 structures at the site, including a synagogue, yeshiva, and homes for the residents.

Derech Emunah is accessible via a two-minute car ride from Metzad and then a five-minute walk, since the road does not yet reach the outpost.

Moshe Rotman, one of the outpost’s founders and organizers, says the structures were built by dozens of yeshiva students on Sunday night within two and a half hours.

Electricity is provided by a generator and Rotman says there is running water at the site.

According to settler activist Tzvi Succot, this is the first time ultra-Orthodox settlers have established such an outpost.

Rotman says the establishment of an ultra-Orthodox outpost was designed to increase consciousness within the ultra-Orthodox community of the religious commandment of settling the land as well as demonstrating that the housing crisis in the community could be resolved through settlement construction in the West Bank.

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