Herzog tells CNN that terrorists had manuals how to torture and kidnap people

President Isaac Herzog tells CNN that marauding Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israel last week in an unprecedented onslaught were carrying manuals with instructions on how to torture and kidnap those they found.
“This was found on the body of one of the terrorists, this is a booklet, okay, this booklet is an instruction guide, how to go into civilian areas, into a kibbutz, a city, a moshav, how to break in,” Herzog tells Wolf Blitzer.
“And first thing what do you do when you find the citizens, you torture them. This is the booklet, it says exactly how to torture them, how to abduct them, how to
kidnap them,” Herzog says holding up a copy of the pamphlet.
During the onslaught on Israeli border communities, the terrorists killed some 1,300 people, most of them civilians, and took at least 155 hostages.
Herzog notes that many of the hostages are elderly or children.
“Who are these hostages? Babies, pregnant women, elderly people with dementia, even with caretakers, families, innocent civilians, from 36 nations — people were killed or abducted from 36 nations,” he says.
He also recounts some of the horrors he saw while touring Kibbutz Be’eri, one of the hardest-hit places, this morning.
“I saw the most horrific scenes. I saw, I saw the scalp of the woman in a house I visited, a house totally destroyed, totally destroyed. And they just cut her head off,” he said.