Last part of text of new Health Ministry instructions to Israelis on curbing coronavirus

The following is the remainder of the new Health Ministry instructions:

Rules for conduct outside of the home
1. When is it permissible to go out

a. If urgent medical care is required – Patients with fever and respiratory symptoms are prohibited from leaving the home except in medical emergencies.
b. Employees – in accordance with government directives and regulations to be published separately.
c. You may go out for essential supplies if supplies cannot be delivered or brought to you by a family member (in the case of elderly or chronically ill patients).
d. Funerals – reduce as much as possible to the absolute minimum; only close family members and maintain a distance of 2 meters between people. Avoid staying in confined spaces.
e. You may leave the house for a 10-minute walk in isolated locations or out in the yard. Take the elevator by yourself or without proximity to other people.
f. Looking after children – Two families may look after each other’s toddlers on condition that it is the same two families.

2. Rules for conduct outside of the home

a. Exit in a private vehicle – Only one person should be in a vehicle – unless they are family members of the same household – except when there is a need to escort someone; for example, evacuation for non-urgent medical care.
b. Public transport should be avoided as far as possible – detailed instructions will be issued separately.
c. Keep a distance of two meters from other people when you are in a public place.
d. Ensure hand and respiratory hygiene.

3. Rules of conduct at work

a. Employees should maintain a distance of at least two meters apart.
b. Take your temperature before leaving for work. If you have a fever or signs of respiratory illness, do not go to work and follow self isolation rules. It is recommended to maintain a temperature log (take your temperature morning and evening).
c. Wash your hands when arriving and before leaving work and at intervals of no more than 3 hours.
d. Do your best not to touch your mouth and nose. Wash hands after every time to you do make contact of this kind.
e. Tissue / toilet paper should be available close to all employees.

4. As of Sunday, March 22, elective procedures in public hospitals will be suspended. A detailed announcement will follow.

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