Speaker at Palestinian funeral calls on Allah to ‘count the Jews, kill them to the last one’

A speaker at a funeral of two Palestinians broadcast live on official Palestinian Authority TV called on Allah to “do justice to the oppressed against the oppressors, and give them victory over the tyrants, O Master of the Universe. Strike the Jews, count them and kill them to the last one, and don’t leave even one.”

The funeral, on Monday a week ago, was held for Laith Manasrah and Abu Al-Aish. They were shot and killed by IDF soldiers when the military came to demolish the home of terrorist Muhammad Abu Shaheen, 30, who murdered 25-year-old Israeli Danny Gonen on June 19, 2015.

According to the IDF, Manasrah and Al-Aish fired at Israeli soldiers. Palestinian reports said they were only observing the demolition when they were shot by the IDF.

See the video translated by NGO Palestinian Media Watch:

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