Education Ministry opens situation room for absorption of Ukrainian immigrant kids into school system

The Education Ministry opens a situation room to oversee the absorption of thousands of new immigrant children from Ukraine into the school system.

As well as representatives from the ministry, the situation room will be made up of immigration professionals, counsellors, community representatives and youth movement workers.

The team will work to integrate the students and their parents into the educational system and community.

As growing waves of refugees from Ukraine have streamed into neighboring countries, thousands of them have requested the right to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, which grants citizenship to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent, or married to an Israeli.

Israel has also permitted the entry of a limited number of refugees who are not eligible for citizenship. However, those visas solely allow them to remain in the country without fear of deportation but do not allow them to work legally, send their children to school or get access to Israel’s health care.

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