IAEA: Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile now over 19 times the limit set by 2015 deal

In this image made from April 17, 2021, video released by the Islamic Republic Iran Broadcasting, IRIB, state-run TV, various centrifuge machines line the hall damaged on April 11, 2021, at the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility, some 200 miles (322 km) south of the capital Tehran. (IRIB via AP)
In this image made from April 17, 2021, video released by the Islamic Republic Iran Broadcasting, IRIB, state-run TV, various centrifuge machines line the hall damaged on April 11, 2021, at the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Facility, some 200 miles (322 km) south of the capital Tehran. (IRIB via AP)

Iran has continued enriching uranium well over the limits laid down in the ailing 2015 deal with world powers, the UN nuclear watchdog says, with its stockpile now over 19 times the limit in the accord.

According to an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report seen by AFP, Iran’s stockpile as of August 21 stands at an estimated 3,940 kilograms, up 131.6 kilograms from the last quarterly report.

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