Progressive Jewish group decries deal to allow racists to run for Knesset

The head of the liberal Israel Religious Action Center says incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “given a stamp of approval to the worst kind of flagrant racist incitement” by agreeing to legislation that would remove a clause from Israel’s Basic Laws barring racists from running for the Knesset.

“The incoming PM’s capitulation to the demands of his racist and extremist coalition partners undermines every ethical foundation of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state,” writes IRAC director Orly Erez-Likhovski in a statement.

IRAC, a branch of the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism, advocates for progressive values and pluralism in Israel.

The attorney, who was part of a group that petitioned the court to bar three Otzma Yehudit members from running for Knesset due to racist statements and actions, says it is “inconceivable for the Jewish people, who were victims of the most terrible racism, to give a stamp of approval to racism.”

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