Threat of Iran lurks on anniversary of Buenos Aires bombing
Israeli leaders, in Argentina for twentieth memorial of embassy attack, point out Iran still targets Israelis

On March 7 1992, Iranian-backed terrorists blew up the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring 242, including many children. Israeli leaders visited Argentina for the anniversary of the attack, and reminded the world that Iran targets Israelis to this day.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned that those who planned that terror attack could be plotting another, Israel Radio reported. He pointed out that Iran is also responsible for the recent terror plots in India, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Thailand, YNet News reported.
Daniel Carmon, who was Israel’s consul general in Argentina 1992, called Iran’s illicit nuclear program “a danger to the [entire] world.”
Iran is notorious for funding and arming terror proxies like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah.
Minister without Portfolio Yossi Peled also said that Iran and Hezbollah were behind the terror attacks in Argentina. Although Islamic Jihad and several Iranian and Lebanese suspects have been implicated in the bombings — including Ahmed Vahidi, Iran’s defense minister — no one has been tried.
World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder lamented the fact that the perpetrators of the crime have never been brought to justice. “Twenty years on, many Jewish and Israeli sites around the world are still in need of around-the-clock protection because of the continuing threat emanating primarily from Iran and its proxies,” he stated, according to the organization’s website.
In Buenos Aires, survivors of the terror attack joined local leaders and residents to commemorate the attack. The anniversary’s events include a concert and an ad campaign.