Israeli official: Iran preparing public for reentry to nuclear deal

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani (L) leaves after talks at the Coburg Palais, the venue of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Vienna on August 4, 2022. (Alex HALADA / AFP)
Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani (L) leaves after talks at the Coburg Palais, the venue of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Vienna on August 4, 2022. (Alex HALADA / AFP)

A senior Israeli official tells the Walla news site that Iran is preparing the public and government officials for Tehran’s possible return to the nuclear deal.

The official says there are still significant differences between Iran and the US. However “despite the differences and gaps, there is a momentum and a more positive dialogue toward reaching an agreement.”

“Israel sees the current agreement as a bad agreement and emphasizes to its partners the danger of signing such an agreement. The Iranians operate in a well-known tactic of shuffling and stalling for more concessions,” the official says.

The comments come after the European Union said yesterday it was studying Iran’s response to a “final” draft agreement on reviving a 2015 nuclear accord with major powers it presented at talks in Vienna.

Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported earlier that “an agreement will be concluded if the United States reacts with realism and flexibility” to Iran’s response.

IRNA had said Friday that Iran might accept the “final” text drawn up by the European Union to save the deal, which aimed to curb Iran’s nuclear program in return for sanctions relief.

The deal has been moribund since the 2018 withdrawal of the United States under then-president Donald Trump whose administration reimposed crippling sanctions.

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