Netanyahu’s neighbor in Caesarea erects anti-government sign as loud rally demands hostage deal
Gavriel Fiske is a reporter at The Times of Israel
After closing the main thoroughfare and then squeezing through small streets, anti-government protesters in Caesarea are holding a final cacophonous rally directly opposite the beachfront residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is cordoned off by police barricades.
One of Netanyahu’s neighbors evidently supports the protests, as huge electric signs saying “Enough” and “The Derelict,” as well as a banner with the popular protest slogan “You are in charge, you are to blame,” have been erected on a property overlooking the protest area.
The crowd is making a truly raucous din, eschewing organized speeches in favor of slogans chanted over megaphones accompanied by drums, horns, whistles and yelling.
A central bonfire is lit on the sand, as a protester holds up a sign in English saying “Fuck this shit! Stop the war. Free Gaza from Hamas, free us from Bibi.”
Some 5,000 were participating in the protest march, the organizers say, although the crowd has now noticeably thinned out.