Religious Zionism: Disengagement law sets right 18 years of injustice

Yeshiva students at a checkpoint blocking the road to the illegal outpost of Homesh in northern West Bank, May 26, 2022. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/The Times of Israel)
Yeshiva students at a checkpoint blocking the road to the illegal outpost of Homesh in northern West Bank, May 26, 2022. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/The Times of Israel)

The Religious Zionism party hails the passing of a bill in a preliminary reading to repeal parts of the 2005 Disengagement Law in the northern West Bank.

“Today we fix this injustice,” the party says. “We continue to fulfill our election promises.”

“After 18 years we bring justice and are disconnecting the great harm that was done to the settlement enterprise and the state of Israel,” they say, vowing to legalize the Homesh outpost and resettle the northern West Bank.

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