Ukraine’s ambassador ‘appalled’ by Israeli FM’s comments on Russia standoff
Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk rails at Foreign Minister Yair Lapid after the latter said yesterday he does not believe there will be a violent confrontation between Ukraine and Russia.
“At the moment, the [Israeli] assessment is that we don’t see a violent confrontation soon. I also don’t think a world war is about to start there,” Lapid told Axios.
In a statement posted to Facebook, Korniychuk says he is “deeply appalled by the recent remarks of Mr. Lapid regarding his vision of the ‘Russia-Ukraine conflict.’
“I would like to remind Mr. Minister that it is not a conflict — it is a WAR, that Russia aggressively and cynically conducts against Ukraine. It is a shame, that Mr. Lapid has not noticed the war in the center of Europe which lasts for eight years already.”
Ambassador of Ukraine to Israel Yevgen Korniychuk comments on the recent statements made by Israeli Foreign Minister…
Posted by Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Israel on Thursday, February 3, 2022
“Unfortunately, Mr. Minister reiterates rhetoric of Russian propaganda and ignores the disturbing massages from his own strongest allies – USA, Britain and EU — regarding the high possibility of full scale Russian military invasion into Ukraine in coming weeks.
He adds: “I would suggest Mr. Lapid to have a phone conversation not only with the minister of foreign affairs of aggressor state but also communicate with Ukrainian side, to see the real picture instead of using Russian clichés.”