Liberman: UN can take over Gaza

Speaking to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee this morning, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman says the Gaza operation is not over, and suggests the UN could take over the Gaza Strip.

“What we have agreed to now, what we’ve decided, is an end to the stage of taking care of the tunnels,” he tells lawmakers in the committee, but clarifies, “there is no decision about ending the operation.”

Israel has “three clear options. First, an arrangement [apparently a reference to an agreed-upon ceasefire]. Second, defeating Hamas. Third, limbo, something unclear where we only respond to fire. The third option simply isn’t relevant.”

He then offers the suggestion that the UN oust Hamas as administrators of Gaza  and take over instead.

“We need to consider returning control over Gaza to the UN. I don’t rule out this option.”

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