Netanyahu hails Biden as ‘big friend of Israel’ at start of cabinet meeting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses more warm words to US President-elect Joe Biden at the outset of the weekly cabinet meeting, and adds more praise of outgoing president Donald Trump.

“I want to start with well-wishes to Joe Biden and [Vice President-elect] Kamala Harris,” Netanyahu says in a Hebrew-language video released ahead of the online cabinet meeting.

“I have a long and warm personal relationship with Joe Biden, almost 40 years, and I know him as a big friend of Israel,” he says. “I am sure we will continue to work with both of them to continue to strengthen the special Israeli-American alliance.”

He also thanked Trump “on my behalf and on the behalf of all citizens of Israel for the great friendship he has demonstrated to the State of Israel, and also to me personally,” the premier adds.

“I congratulate him for recognizing Jerusalem and the Golan, for standing up to Iran, for the historic peace agreements and for bringing the partnership between Israel and the US to unprecedented heights. Thank you, President Trump.”

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